Memecik Erken Hasat Soğuk Sıkım Natürel Sızma - 500 ML - Parbeiza

Memecik Cold Pressed Natural Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 500 ml


  • Product: Memecik Cold Press Natural Extra Virgin
  • Olive type: Memecik
  • Origin: Milas
  • Acid ratio: 32
  • Usage: In breakfast, as a sauce, in cold appetizers, in salads, in cold dishes (you can add it when your food is warm or cold).

The Memecik olive grows with the unique air and soil of Milas.

Memecik olive oil oozes from 8 million trees, the carrier of 8 thousand years of heritage…

It is unique with its smell, taste and aroma.

As Beiza, we start work during the harvest season, in December.

We kindly approach our trees, which have given humanity only goodness for thousands of years.

We collect them gently by hand and with modern methods, without hurting them, without dropping their fruits on the ground, and put them in crates.

We are as fast as we are gentle and careful…

We deliver our olives to the press within four hours.

If we exceed this period, we know that the minerals and vitamins in the olive interact with oxygen, produce acid and reduce the quality of the oil.

At the pressing house, we clean our olives from leaves and dirt.

We do cold pressing without using any chemicals, so we preserve the nutritional values ​​of the oil.

This method is also a shield for us to protect polyphenols, which prevent cells from ageing and are the source of youth and health…

In order to preserve the taste and smell of our olive oil, we store it in heat, light and air-proof tanks.

We offer it to you by filling it in our 500ml, dark colored, cork capped bottles that prevent oxygen from entering.

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